The Role of Spiritual Gifts

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What role should spiritual gifts play in the life of the church?
What role should spiritual gifts play in the life of the church? This can be one of those divisive questions. So, for example, you can find certain churches emphasizing one spiritual gift over other spiritual gifts. But it is important to bear in mind that in 1 Corinthians chapter 12 verse 7, for example, we are told that: To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. So, the spiritual gifts were given by God to the church for the common good that all believers may serve him and that they may serve one another within the church, and they are brought together as a body. And therefore, that will mean that there is no spiritual gift that's inferior to the other, but all spiritual gifts are equally important in the kingdom of God for building the church and for helping us to serve God better together.

Answer by Dr. Vuyani Sindo

Dr. Vuyani Sindo is a lecturer at George Whitefield College in Capetown, South Africa.